October 29, 2014

Lego Bela Spider-Man Set: Christmas Come Earlier

Christmas come earlier guys. Spider-Man Bela set spread on internet couple days ago. There is two set come to take down your home. Bela Spider-Man Dock Ock car robbed set and Bela Spider-Man Green Goblin attack set. Here is the picture you wanted mate.

Bela Spider-Man Dock Ock come with 236 pcs. There is one car and three minifigure, Spidey, Doc Ock and police. This set is recommended because there is no bootleg make Doc Ock until now. And someday there is set that Doc Ock in there, you are not loose anything, because you will have a nice car, safe deposit box and some money off course.

Second set come with Green Goblin and lovely Mary Jane. Yes it is mary jane guys. Until now there is no set bootleg that made mary jane. So it set fully recommended if you are Spider-Fans. This set come with a helicopter and four minifigure. Yes four guys, and all special minifigure. Spider-Man, Green Goblin, Mary Jane and Luke Cage. I think is the colour hellicopter is black will be nice, it will be Shield hellicarier. :D

So.. are ready to christmas? waitt.. there is more Spider set come in this month.. Check them out pals..

Bela not give your dream on building set, there is set of six minifigure spread on your world today. This set consist Spider-Man, Hydra army, Falcon, Taskmaster, Captain America and Thor. Special minifigure in there is Hydra army, couple hours ago iam ordering ten of Hydra army. To take down Avengers ofcourse.

Big minigure come again strike your girlfriend mate. Now Decool made Green Goblin and Venom come true alive. On ebay this set come in set of three with Hulkbuster. Now iam waiting this set come to my near flea market

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