October 28, 2014

Lego Dark Phoenix - Bane - Fantastic Four

Couple days ago this blog teased Lego Dool Dark Phoenix. Couple hours ago I found that one pieces of set come in my near flea market. And the pieces that come is the most importent pieces of set. Dark Phoenix.


Dark Phoenix actually come with Red Skull, Punisher, Taskmaster, Falcon, Martian Manhunter, Luke Cage and Flash. But I don’t know why that fleamarket near my home only sell Dark Phoenix. I think local brand in my place only request Dark Phoenix.Dont mind this pieces come with energy tools that SY Phoenix come. On my last post I pic true minifig. This Dark Phoenix come with white bow and black katana. That is false weapon to Dark Phoenix.

Another set come in fleamarket, is Bane set. Batman Villains that in Batman The Dark Knight Movie break Batman Backbone. This set also come in local brand. I though is to fool in order to import this product from china to my place. 


Bane set come with General Zod, Superman New 52 (without pants), Spider-Man Comic version, Robin, Batman, Catwoman, and Green Lanter. The other character is in other set. The special set of this only come with Bane. I suggest just buy Bane and Dark Phoenix in this set if you don’t want loose your money. Save your money for Fantastic Four Transparant Human Torch set. It will be good

Another set come is Fantastic Four Normal set. There is no special things on this set. This set come with Flame Human Torch, The Thing, Mr. Fantastic, Invicible Woman, and Normal Human Torch.

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